About Us

about us slogan


care and beauty medical complex was established since 2011, it has a very unique location being exposed to several main roads which makes it accesable easly to everyone.

the clinics were built on large spaces and was equipped with the latest and most advanced technology in the field of dentistry and soon in the field of derma and laser. the clinic aims to provide the most accurate diagnosis wherever possible to help provide the early treatment.

the clinic is very distenguished by having an orthdontic consultant (Dr.Nabeel AlMarzooq) who has a very long and famous experience in the field.

Numbers about us

Experience Years

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Our Goals


provide the services as fast as possible

increase the awarness of the importance of oral health in the society

build a trusted relationship with our clients

provide the services using the most advanced equippment and tools  

Our Vission


provide high quality serives in a standard time

Our Values


To consentrate on the education of our clients through correction of all misunderstandings to help them truely understand the consepts of prevention

as we have chosen a name to reach such message which is

Care comes First

then we can aim for beauty 

Our Message


  We will do our best to provide the care you deserve to reach you to the health state you should have then we can work with you hand in hand to reach you to the beauty to dream of with God's well